About us

Our values


Our team values trust in each other, partners, openness to innovation, people and the world. We believe in man and good. We value mutual support and feel it every day in the activities of the IRC "Legal Space". We provide expertise because it builds trust in us.


For us, freedom is the path to democracy and everyone's freedom of choice. Freedom is independence. Freedom is a dialogue. Freedom provides the opportunity to voluntarily accept restrictions. If we want to live in self-respect, we must respect others, their personal boundaries and autonomy.


We take responsibility for ourselves, our decisions and actions. We are aware of the responsibility and the right to choose.

Respect for human dignity

Respect for human dignity is the foundation of human rights (everyone is born with dignity and freedom. Everyone's right to life is inextricably linked with his right to human dignity. As fundamental human rights, they determine the possibility of all other human and civil rights and freedoms, and can be neither restricted nor repealed).

The right to human dignity is a right that protects the dignity of any person, ensures proper treatment of him by public authorities and others. It belongs to the fundamental human rights, because it is necessary for its normal existence and development.

Adherence to principles

For us, "word" is equal to "deed". We are honest, consistent in our goals and objectives, committed to the common cause. For us, values are above all, and they enable us to adhere to the vector of mission and goals.


We set realistic goals, generate cases that are successful and instructive, and disseminate them. We use best practices. We are creative - we use flexible and variable tools, constantly analyze external experience and adapt it to the tasks of the Legal Space, involving partners. Environmental friendliness (environmental ethics, environmental awareness) - the rejection of violence against nature, not harming all living things, the formation of ecological patterns of behavior, focus on achieving sustainable development.

Environmental friendliness

Environmental ethics, environmental consciousness - rejection of violence against nature, non-harm to all living things, the formation of ecological patterns of behavior, focus on achieving sustainable development.

History of development and achievements

History of development and achievements

From the beginning of 2009 until the official registration of the legal entity NGO "Information Resource Center" Legal Space ", we worked as a unit within the Kherson Regional Fund for Mercy and Health

more details

Our principles

Our principles

Our team



Natalya-Danute Antano Bimbirayte

Natalya-Danute Antano Bimbirayte


Олена Ялова

Олена Ялова

Проєктна менеджерка

Olena Pavlovska

Olena Pavlovska

Financial Manager

Dmytro Zhukov

Dmytro Zhukov

ІТ спеціаліст

Олена Орлова

Олена Орлова

Комунікаційна менеджерка

Сергій Ольшевський

Сергій Ольшевський

Регіональний координатор у Тернопільській області

Svitlana Bilyaeva

Svitlana Bilyaeva

Expert in history and archeology



Олександр Кобець

Олександр Кобець

Голова правління. Виконавчий директор ГО “Асоціація Української Миротворчої Школи”

<strong>Тетяна Лєнь</strong>

Тетяна Лєнь

Доцент кафедри публічного управління, права та гуманітарних наук Херсонського державного аграрно-економічного університету

Олександр Павліченко

Олександр Павліченко

Виконавчий директор  Української Гельсінської Спілки з прав людини


Supervisory Board

Olena Afanasieva

Olena Afanasieva

Chairlady of the Board. President of NGO Center of Cultural Development “Totem”, cultural manager, curator

Dementii Bilyi

Dementii Bilyi

The President of Regional Organization «Committee of Voters of Ukraine», political analyst, editor of site “Political Khersonshchyna [Kherson region]”

Yurii Palichev

Yurii Palichev

Board Member of NGO “Bulgarians of Kherson Region named after Khan Kurbat”, Director of LLC “Investment Agency of Rural Areas Development”


Revision Commission

Ella Petrenko

Ella Petrenko

President of Regional Development Center of Belozirka, expert in Budget transparency

Denys Kostiunin

Denys Kostiunin

Financial Director of NGO “Docudays”

Liudmyla Kuzmenko

Liudmyla Kuzmenko

The Candidate of Technical Sciences (PhD), Associate Professor, Financial Director of NGO “Global View”

Vision of the future

In Ukraine, the institution of sheriffs has been legalized (powers and sources of funding have been defined).

The city program "Safe City" has been approved, which includes the section "Development of public spaces". Criteria for safe space have been developed and city programs are being examined for compliance with these criteria.

In the "third sector" of Kherson region and Ukraine, mutual support is developing in the context of the security of public activists (the rules of security of public activists are known and used).

In Ukraine, new scientific models for solving pressing problems of public life are being developed, including the fight against crime. Crime has the ability to constantly evolve, take on new forms and manifestations, spread in various social spheres. Thus, the effective fight against crime requires a wide range of factors, including historical experience, including criminal law in the Ukrainian lands of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania - a state that has made important contributions to the formation and development of Eastern European legal tradition. Lithuanian Statutes have created a historical basis for the development of Ukraine's legal system in the European context. Further improvements in criminal law should be based on existing achievements of legal thought and understanding of the historical context.

Restoration of historical memory is an integral part of Ukrainian identity. The priority of protection of Lithuanian cultural heritage in Ukraine should be included in the state programs of the Republic of Lithuania.

IRC "Legal Space" is the subject of campaigns to preserve cultural heritage - medieval monuments Vytautas Tower and Tyagin Fortress, where the role of the organization - to remove the threat to these monuments and the ecosystem of the lower Dnieper through plans to build HPP-2. The topic of HPP-2 should be actively discussed in society, and the construction itself should be stopped. In our vision of the future, residents of villages and towns adjacent to the construction (Vesele, Nova Kakhovka, Kherson) are aware of the dangers of construction, support the advocacy campaign that is being implemented in Ukraine. The international community has joined the protection of the ecosystem of the lower Dnieper, advocacy, human rights and information campaigns are being implemented with the involvement of Ukrainian and international partners. Ukraine complies with the requirements of the Bern Convention on the Conservation of European Wildlife and Natural Habitats, which it has ratified. The Concept of "green" energy transition of Ukraine until 2050 and the Concept of Energy Strategy of Ukraine for the period up to 2035 have been improved.

Documents and reports

Annual report 2022 Community Legal Centers in Ukraine

Annual report 2022 Community Legal Centers in Ukraine

2019-2021 Report of Project:“Community Resource Center in Ukraine”

2019-2021 Report of Project:“Community Resource Center in Ukraine”


IRC "Legal space". Annual raport 2019-2020

Report of Project:“Community Resource Center in Ukraine” Mott Foundation Grant # МОТТ/2017-02189

Report of Project:“Community Resource Center in Ukraine” Mott Foundation Grant # МОТТ/2017-02189

Громадський бюджет Херсона. Підсумки першого року 2019

Громадський бюджет Херсона. Підсумки першого року 2019

Our media partners

Our donors