Who are the ambassadors

The ambassadors of IRC “Legal Space” are famous people who share values and ideas of the organization and ready to use their authority and professional knowledge in order to their promotion.

The ambassadors get across ideas and values among people and organizations, representatives of authorities, and politicians.

The ambassadors form a network of influence and support at the national and international levels.

An ambassador maintains all areas or one of them of IRC activity “Legal Space” with his/her own competence.

An ambassador forms and widens the fold from the position of a public opinion leader. Ambassadors guarantee trust to the programmes and campaigns of IRC “Legal Space” with his/her own authority within their public environment.

An ambassador shares his/her own experience of collaboration and interaction with the organization, spreads the information about its goals, assignments, and campaigns.  

If you share our values and are ready to develop the public society with us, you can become our Ambassador.


Anna Orlovska

Anna Orlovska

Фасилітаторка, тренерка, засновниця Тренінгового центру “Мозаїка”, координаторка мережі ГО “Інша жінка”

Ella Petrenko

Ella Petrenko

President of Regional Development Center of Belozirka, expert in Budget transparency

Olga Zhukova

Olga Zhukova

Фасилітаторка ГО «Громадський центр «Нова генерація», тренерка, коуч. Співзасновниця ГО «Бюро ґендерних стратегій та бюджетування»

Who can become an ambassador

  1. Spheres of activity of potential Ambassadors: science, politics, business, community support, self-production, information technologies and culture.
  2. Specialties of that professional quality: a naturalist communist, presence at dylovy stakes, leader's qualities, injecting that credibility into the history of the international arena, recognition of good reputation in the sphere of their profession
  3. Participation in the activity of the Organization, with the participation of international, national visits and visits to the hotel.
  4. Expansion of the membership of the Organization among international associations or falling asleep in the middle.
  5. The closeness of the sphere of activity of the potential Ambassador with the goals and directness of the activity of the Organization.

Yaksho You will add our values and ready at once with us to create a huge suspension - You can become our Ambassador.