Svitlana Bilyaeva
Svitlana Bilyaeva

Svitlana Bilyaeva

Bilyaeva Svitlana Oleksandrivna - Doctor of Historical Sciences, Senior Researcher of the Department of Archeology of the Crimea and the North-Western Black Sea Coast, Professor of the Department of World History and Teaching Methods of Uman State Pedagogical University.

Research interests: Problems of medieval archeology and early modernism of Ukraine, first of all of the Northern Black Sea coast; professional research of monuments of the time of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, Russia and Samogitia, Golden Horde, Crimean Tatar and Ottoman monuments in the south of Ukraine; study of trade routes in the context of the global system of land and sea trade from China to Western Europe.

Participation in international cooperation programs:

2018-Project of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Lithuania "Protection of the historical heritage of Ukraine and Lithuania on the territory of the Kherson region", - the head of the archaeological part of the project. Localization: Vilnius, Lithuania.

2015-2025 Project of the International Union of Academies of Sciences (MAI-IUA). "Medieval Baltics and the Black Sea: Material Reconstruction of Trade Relations." - co-performer.

2006-2010 - project of the British Institute in Ankara of the British Academy of Sciences "Historical-archaeological investigations at Akkerman (Bilhorod-Dnistrovsky) fortress" - project director. - Localization of the project owner - London (UK, British Academy of Sciences) - Ankara (Turkey).

2005-2009 - international project "Archaeological investigations at Akkerman fortress" under a grant from the Max Van Berchem Foundation (Switzerland) - project director.; Localization of the project owner: Bern, Switzerland.

Expert in history and archeology